
Chester Park


Positive, Resilient, Meaningful

Breakfast Club

To support the community we offer Breakfast Club and Oldbury Court Out of School Club offer After School Club.

Breakfast Club Infant Site: Opens 7:30 am. Children should arrive at main entrance of the school via Ridgeway Road and must arrive by 8:30 am.

Breakfast Club Junior Site: Opens 7:40 am.  Children should arrive at main entrance of the school and must arrive by 8:30 am.

Breakfast Club costs £3.00 per session and must be booked in advance. To secure a place at breakfast club in September, please email the junior school by 31st July with the days you require and we will confirm your place. Please make all arrangements for Breakfast Club through the junior office 0117 3773365.

After School Club is arranged by Oldbury Court Out of School Club and will start immediately after school until 6:00 pm. Children are collected from the main entrance to the schools. For further information, please contact Sheila on 07747650611.
