
Chester Park


Positive, Resilient, Meaningful

In Year Admissions

To make an application for an in year transfer for years 1-6 please apply directly to Bristol City Council. 


If you would like to visit the school please feel free to ring and arrange an appointment with the school office's on 0117 3773047 infant school and 0117 3773365 junior school.


All admissions and allocation of places at Chester Park Federation are currently dealt with by Bristol City Council’s Children and Young People’s Services Admissions Department.


Any child who is currently attending Chester Park Infant School in Year 2 will automatically secure a place at Chester Park Junior School in Year 3.


For further information please see the Bristol City Council’s website or contact the Department by calling 0117 9037694 or by email at


The school and its Governors have no input or influence over which pupils are offered places.


About in year applications


In year applications are when you want to move your child from the primary or  junior school they go to now to a different one. This happens outside of the normal admissions process. You might want to make an in year application if you’ve recently moved.


You should speak to your current headteacher before deciding to change  your child's school, especially if your child is in secondary school where a move may disrupt their studies and exam results. 
