Background to the Pupil Premium Grant
The Government introduced the Pupil Premium Grant in April 2011. This grant, which is in addition to main school funding, is seen by the government as the best way to address any underlying inequalities faced by children identified as being disadvantaged.
Schools can decide how the Pupil Premium Grant is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility.
Funding is allocated for:
any child registered for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years
children in care or adopted from care
children of service personnel
Pupil Premium Grant at Chester Park Federation
Chester Park is committed to ensuring every child makes the best possible progress regardless of their background, gender, ethnicity or specific needs. We believe that every child is able to make good progress when:
they feel confident and secure
teaching is consistently good or outstanding and based upon thorough assessment of the individual child
all adults involved with the child have high expectations as to what can be achieved and work together to achieve it
interventions are evidence based, precise and timely
We recognise that pupils qualifying for the Pupil Premium Grant are considered potentially vulnerable and are statistically at greater risk of underachievement. However, we also recognise that these pupils are not necessarily low attaining and analyse the needs of the children before identifying support or intervention groups.