
Chester Park


Positive, Resilient, Meaningful

Infant School


Children wear the school colours of red and black.


  • Black trousers, skirts or long shorts.
  • White Polo Top.
  • Red sweatshirts or cardigans.


Parents/carers should ensure that children wear sensible footwear to school.  Platforms, high heels, backless, sling-back styles, flip flops, jelly shoes, fashion boots, should not be worn.


Children must wear socks with all shoes, unless there are exceptional medical circumstances, when medical evidence will be required.


Long hair must be tied back for safety reasons. 



We ask that all clothing be clearly labelled with the child’s name as we generate large amounts of ‘lost property’ that we would prefer to return to rightful owners as we have nowhere to store it.

The school dress code allows for diversity in the context of race and culture. If there are any questions about this please feel free to contact the school.


Children must have the following P.E. Kit in school every day:

  • Rubber soled daps/plimsolls
  • T-shirt
  • Shorts
  • Leggings or tracksuit bottoms are optional for outdoor work.


Indoor P.E. is done in bare feet.  Children change into shorts and T-shirts, or leggings/jogging bottoms for outdoor work.  Please ensure that your child’s P.E. clothes allow him/her to move easily but are not too loose.  For outdoor PE children must change their shoes and wear rubber soled shoes (daps).




We allow children with pierced ears to wear small stud earrings but parents/carers must sign a form to accept responsibility for lost or broken jewellery and for any accident which may occur due to jewellery being worn.  The form is within the consent and permission booklet.



Our school has a NO Jewellery policy.  Jewellery should not be worn to school, including rings, watches, bracelets, and necklaces.


The Sikh Kara may be worn by children of that faith as it is a legally recognised article of the Sikh religion.  It must be one silver coloured bangle that is covered with a ‘sweat band’ during all PE lessons.

