Message from the Chair of Governors
As Chair of Governors of Chester Park Infant & Junior Schools I thought you might like to know a little more about the role of the governing body.
The aim of the governing body is to work alongside the schools in a supportive way to help it to move forward. Our roles and responsibilities fall into three key areas:
Strategic direction – setting aims for the school; agreeing policies, plans and targets for improvement to match those aims; monitoring and evaluating the impact of the policies.
Critical friend – Asking relevant but probing questions in a supportive manner.
Accountability – Holding the headteacher and staff to account for the performance of the school; accounting to the parents and others for the work of the governing body in deciding the strategic direction of the school; legal accountability.
The governing body is made up of different types of governors who bring different experiences and perspectives to the work of the governors. These include parent, staff, local authority and community governors, and of course the head teacher.
Much of the work of the governing body takes place in committees which then report to the Full Governing Body – these meetings take place about 4 times a year. Non confidential minutes are available if you would like to see them.
We are currently working on becoming more visible in school so that hopefully, all parents/carers will have some idea of who we are!
If at any time you have issues you would like to raise with the governors, please contact the school office for contact details.
We are all extremely proud of this school and look forward to working with you and your children to maintain the high standards and further the excellent reputation of the school.
Yours in partnership,
Caroline Hopes
Chair of Governors