Children wear the school colours of red and black.
Parents/carers should ensure that children wear sensible footwear to school. Platforms, high heels, backless, sling-back styles, flip flops, jelly shoes, fashion boots, should not be worn.
Children must wear socks with all shoes, unless there are exceptional medical circumstances, when medical evidence will be required.
Long hair must be tied back for safety reasons.
We ask that all clothing be clearly labelled with the child’s name as we generate large amounts of ‘lost property’ that we would prefer to return to rightful owners as we have nowhere to store it.
The school dress code allows for diversity in the context of race and culture. If there are any questions about this please feel free to contact the school.
PE Kit
As we are trying to help pupils to develop a healthy attitude to life, we expect all pupils to change when taking part in physical activities.
Suitable clothing for P.E. includes:
As a rule, gymnastic activities in the school hall will be done in bare feet. When games activities are carried out in the playground or on the field, suitable daps/ plimsoles or trainers need to be worn.
All P.E. equipment needs to be properly labelled and stored in a suitable bag in school. Year Group Snapshots will detail the precise days that each pupil needs to bring kit in for.
The wearing of jewellery is not permitted on grounds of Health and Safety. Where families wish for the school to consider allowing a pupil to be able to wear jewellery for religious reasons, this must be agreed with the Headteacher beforehand. In all instances there will be an expectation for the jewellery to be removed for physical activities. If pupils have pierced ears we ask, for safety reasons that these be of a stud type. It is important from a health and safety point of view that these be removed for P.E. activities. Whilst we appreciate there is a period soon after piercing when the studs cannot be removed, we ask parent / carers to show pupils how to do this as soon as possible. Studs can be a health and safety issue in outdoor activities.
Jewellery, including watches, removed for physical activities are to be handed to the class teacher for safekeeping and will be placed in a lockable box for the duration of the lesson. The school will accept no responsibility for the jewellery.
Mobile Phones
Whilst the school acknowledges a parent’s right to send a pupil to school with a mobile phone, the school discourages this and will accept no responsibility for lost phones. Where it is unavoidable and a phone has to be brought to school, it should be handed to the school teacher on arrival, having been switched off. It can then be reclaimed on leaving school at the end of the day.