Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
At Chester Park Federation we provide a broad, balanced curriculum for all pupils. High quality teaching which is differentiated and personalised is available for all. The schools provide an encouraging atmosphere where children can grow in self-confidence and where each individual child is included, accepted and valued.
For children with SEND we aim to support them to succeed in their education and make a successful transition between educational settings and into adulthood. The views, wishes and feelings of the child and their parents are important and the school supports children and parents to participate fully in decision making.
As part of our support for the children at Chester Park we follow a graduated response in relation to supporting identified needs. It is important for us as an education setting to support the behaviours exhibited in the first instance as C&I. Supporting children in developing communication and interaction will improve negative presenting behaviours and support pupils in navigating school life and support them in life beyond school.
The most important aspect of the work that we will do regarding supporting children with C&I or SEMH is to build positive relationships. Offering children consistency of approach, clear boundaries and unwavering positivity will provide conditions for learning that are best suited to supporting all children. Ensuring that the graduated response is followed will best support the child and all adults who work with a pupil with an identified need. Prior to involving additional professionals to support a pupil it is essential that all elements of Ordinary Available Provision (OAP) are exhausted and given time and consistency to impact on necessary improvements for the specific pupil. Where additional professionals are used to support the graduated response, it is vital to follow the guidance of these professionals – this guidance will be above and beyond what is delivered through OAP.
Stage 1: Quality First Teaching
Stage 2: Targeted Support
Stage 3: Individualised Support
SEND Support for Families
Please click on the links to access information about other services that are available to support families of SEND pupils.
Please click on the link below to the final version of Bristol’s Written Statement of Action (WSOA), and the Ofsted/CQC approval letter for your information. The Written Statement of Action is our response to the Ofsted/Care Quality Commission (CQC) Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) inspection which took place in our local area at the end of last year. It is a transparent, formal framework for improving SEND provision which has been developed with a number of partners and incorporates the views of parents and carers.
Ofsted require that the Written Statement of Action must be published on local websites, so that parents, carers, children and young people can understand the actions we are taking to improve the effectiveness of the local area in identifying and meeting needs, and improving outcomes for children and young people who have SEND.
As a response to this, the delivering better value in SEND programme supports participating local authorities to improve services to children and young people with SEND, working with their partners to develop bespoke plans to deliver effective and sustainable SEND services. Chester Park Federation took an active role in working with Bristol City Council as part of this project.
Our Federation SENDCo is Kathryn Curry. If you'd like to contact her, please fill out the form below. Thank you.